The Jonas Brother's 3-D movie premiered in theatres last Thursday. The movie was highly anticipated by fans all over the country. The Jonas boys wanted fans to get a closer look on what their life on the road and during the tour was all about. In addition to that fans were able to get a look at the sold out concert if they weren't able to see them live. Because the Jonai appreciate their fans greatly they made suprise visits to random movie theatres across the country to suprise fans and watch the movie with them. They stopped in places such as Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Franico, Charolette, NY, Austin, and Houston. The boys said that this was just a way to show their fans how much they are appreciated.
However, critics rated this "amazing" ( said by fans) and "mediocre" said by critics a 2 out of 5 stars. Critics said that while they like the boys and respect there work they don't think they should be associated with Disney. Being associated with Disney brings them down to a lower level and makes the fans base at a younger age average.
I personally feel that when stars start out on Disney they don't make very much money. Disney does not pay their child stars very much. The advertisement and fame they get out of the Disney Channel is what makes them rich and famous. Although, by separating from the Disney the boys would get more respect and be able to do things in a more mature way, Disney is what started them and gave them their celebrity lives in the first place. I think that if Disney fans are going to back away they should still pay respect to Disney and promote Disney in not such a straight- forward way. Maybe by having a commerical on disney rather then having a tour sponsered by them. What do you think? Should Disney stars be backed by Disney forever?
Well seeing as how my sister is obsessed with these kids I'm constantly updated on their shenanigans. I'm well aware that although they are "Disney Stars" that they write their own music and play a wide variety of instruments. A lot of artists these days have trouble picking up a microphone much less actually use their own voice to sing into it at one of their concerts.
ReplyDeleteI just think these kids had potential from the start and that they would have been much more respected if they turned away from Disney and took the hard way into the music biz. Instead of going the easy way and loosing any chance of having their music publicly heard by seventeen year old straight boys at a high school they should have just earned their record label full force.
That's what happens with a lot of musicians that go with Disney. If you look into it you realize wow these guys are actually talented but then you change the name of all their songs and the name of the band on your I pod and keep it highly secretive that you listen to Disney channel bands when if you really think about it, it's not that bad if they actually have talent.
Although I make fun of them a lot (hint, hint, my latest blog) I have a few songs by them in my i pod (*cough* both full albums *cough*) and when people scroll through and ask "woah listen to the Jo Bros?" I proudly announce "why yes, I do. Their good." Instead of saying "No umm.... me and my sister share an Itunes library. (which I have actually heard people say by the way.)
hahahaha wow i'm impressed you listen to the jonas brothers