Wednesday, May 13, 2009


          The MTV awards are taking place on May 31, 2009. I don't know about you but I am extremely excited for this because Andy Samberg is hosting!! Most you know Andy Samberg from SNL, the movie I Love You Man, or from random skits such as "On A Boat" and "Like a Boss." I think Andy Samberg is very talented and a very funny guy.  He will make a great host! 
I also hope to see Heath Ledger win for best villian for the role of The Joker and to see The Dark Knight win for best fight scene. I also hope to see James Franco win for best comedic for Pineapple Express. I think James Franco is amazing! Check out this link and tell me who you want to see win! I will be posting the winners of the movie awards after the show aires.

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