These past few months have brought alot of award shows. The Grammy's are coming up this weekend and the Oscars in a few weeks. All of these awards bring about exciting news. My focus of interest this time is on Heath Ledger. In case you didn't know the one year mark since his death was just a few weeks ago. Since his tragic death and the release of Batman: The Dark Knight , many people have been gossiping about him. Will he win the Oscar has been the major controversy. He did win a golden globe for best supporting actor a few weeks ago. Christopher Nolan took the award on his behalf. Many people say that Heath Ledger deserves this Oscar whether he was dead or alive. Others say that he is only getting this award because he has passed on. If you ask me Heath Ledger as "The Joker" was the best performance of his life. It is probably my favorite character ever in a movie. I'm crossing my fingers that he wins the Oscar for best supporting actor. Hoping you'll be praying too! He deserves it!
"He's going to win. There's no reason not to vote for him," says Johanna Schneller, film columnist for The Globe and Mail. "He was compelling, he was magnetic, he was interesting, he was unusual, he just did everything right. It's just a shame it's the last movie we get to see him in." If that doesn't say it all what does? Let me know what you think!
Heath Ledger is going to win an Oscar no doubt. His Joker performance in the Dark Knight was amazing, and as you said his best in his life time. Its sad to see him not be around for the next Dark Knight coming out soon. Its not going to be the same without him.
ReplyDeleteWell at first all I heard from people was that he was only going to win an Oscar because he passed away. It was hard not to believe that as reality. Still I was pretty excited for Dark Knight, not because of Ledger but because I'm a big geek and I love anything to do with superheroes. I cannot stop watching The Dark Knight. Christopher Nolan is no doubt and incredible film maker. In my opinion though Heath Ledger does deserve the Oscar. Not because of his death but because of his incredible performance. The amount of work he put into that character is mesmerizing. The manor isms, the laugh, the voice. He captured true insanity. It was incredible.
ReplyDeletei feel bad for this guy. he was a million air and still his life wasint perfect he had a load of problems. i dont know what his problem was to take so much drogs and killed him self on overdosing in drugs. i gess the movie made him a little to crazy. its sad to see people who you think have it good and they are in the worst poshien.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of you he does for sure deserve it. Supposedly he was on uppers to get him hyped and energized for the performance and then he couldnt relax and calm down at night from it so he took downers. The mix of the two didn't react well together, and well you know the rest of the story. :(